Home goods aren't all about making your house look good—they're about crafting a space to feel like home.
Home goods aren't all about making your house look good—they're about crafting a space to feel like home.
"We don’t know about you but we find a beverage tastes considerably better when imbibed from a vessel with character and aesthetic appeal..." -The Coolector
"We don’t know about you but we find a beverage tastes considerably better when imbibed from a vessel with character and aesthetic appeal..." -The Coolector
"So beautiful and well made. The colours and the print itself is stunning!" - Alexis D.
"So beautiful and well made. The colours and the print itself is stunning!" - Alexis D.
Inspiring an earthy elegance to your home
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There are 2.25 billion cups of coffee consumed every day in the world. That's a lotta liquid gold, bean brew, cuppa Joe, hot stuff, mug o' mud, java jam, er, well, you get the picture. That's a lot of coffee!
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Coffee keeps us going after a long day, it has saved many assignments from being turned in late, and it's made many a morning more pleasant. Whether it's black and iced, piping hot with a dash of sugar, or something fancy with an Italian name, coffee has also brought friendships and relationships together while fostering new ones.
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Tea is a drink that has been closely associated with culture. When you think about tea, what country comes to mind? For many people in the United States, they would answer the UK or Ireland. However, Australia has its own unique history with tea.
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Tea has been a staple beverage in many cultures for centuries. The history of tea in the United States is rather brief, but it's still interesting to see how this drink has evolved over time.
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Tea is a wonderful beverage that has been around for thousands of years. It was first served by Buddhist monks in ancient China, and it soon became popular throughout Asia. Tea eventually spread to Europe during the 17th century when it was introduced to England. The British loved tea so much that they made it their national drink!